Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Inspiration Concept Map

This Inspiration 'Concept Map' can be used for students in Language Arts.  As my example shows, this would be used as an organizational tool for a creative writing activity on The Beach.  This map would organize the student's thoughts on what and who they would write about, while using descriptive adjectives for quality writing.  As UDL (Universal Design for Learning) suggests, this map is both visually appealing and easy to read for students.  For students with any visual learning disabilities, I would have the audio component on to read back what they have written in each part.  This concept map would be a great tool to use for the class as a whole, as well as students individually. 

Digitally Manipulated Image- "A Day At The Beach"

This digitally-manipulated image, entitled A Day At The Beach, could be used as a creative writing prompt for students in Language Arts.  The directions given to students would be to visualize themselves in this picturesque scene and create a story to follow.  They would be asked to provide a who, what, where scenario and use descriptive details using all five senses.  This whimsical portrait provides little detail and more to the imagination for each creative writer.  Students would not be limited to the setting of this scene and would be encouraged to elaborate for their narrative.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Assignment #1, Standard of Focus

3.      I will be using the English language arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the elementary grade levels as a target of focus for this semester.  In particular I would like to narrow in on the CCSS of third grade adapted by Connecticut.  As stated by the Connecticut State Department of Education, “The English language arts standards require that students systematically develop literacy skills and understandings through reading, writing, speaking and listening.”  Considering the various learning styles (i.e. visual, auditory, and kinesthetic), you can link a reading or writing lesson using a range of aspects.  I recently assistant taught a third grade class and used to use interactive games to practice and review different lessons in Language Arts. Using the template of the ever-so-popular game of Jeopardy; I would engage my students visually with the design and wording up on the projector, they would have to engage their auditory senses in what I or other team members were saying, as well as physically writing and responding with answers.  In the end, my students were excited about learning and enjoying it along the way.  As an educator, I find it important to engage all students and incorporate every learning style in every lesson to the best of your ability.

Assignment #1, "Teddy Bears Go Blogging" response

2.   My first reaction to Teddy Bears Go Blogging, by Brenda Sherry, was that it seemed like a similar version to the idea of ‘Flat Stanley’.  From what I understand, Flat Stanley is a cut-out drawing, decorated and colored by an elementary level student, and taken home by that student to document/photograph his adventures and daily activities.  A friend of mine once mentioned her little sister had this project and was asked to mail Flat Stanley to family members/friends to do so as well.  Brenda Sherry’s idea took this concept to an even more inspired, meaningful level.  By connecting students from one country to another, in her case Canada to Australia, students are able to learn about other cultures hands-on.  I can only imagine how exciting it must be for students to instantly send and receive messages, blogs, photos, etc with other children their own age in another place.  I remember as a kid years ago in elementary school, we were each assigned a ‘pen pal’ from another country to send letters, photographs and drawings once a month or so.  I remember the thrill in having a friend in another place far away to communicate and share things with.  The idea of having instant communication online takes the old ‘pen pal’ days to another dimension.  This increases the amount and depth of communication, as well as keeping up with the excitement levels.  I like the idea Brenda Sherry had in having her students blog at home, with supervision.  In this day and age, we can never be too careful.  She states, “I receive an e-mail copy and the option to publish or reject the comment. This was a goof way for me to screen the content for appropriateness and to make sure that Internet safety was a priority.”  Teddy Bears Go Blogging is just another fabulous innovation in the world of education.

Assignment #1, Blog Response

1.    The blog I chose to read is called, The Innovative Educator: Sharing ideas about educating innovatively.  The word ‘innovative’ first caught my attention, seeing as though I plan to be an educator myself someday in this fast pace, continually changing/updating world of ours.  The word ‘innovative’ implies something new and creative, especially in the way that something is done.  In this blogger’s blog, they describe how blogging has helped them to build their own personal learning network.  Considering I am very new to blogging, I figure this would be an enlightening insight to the whole phenomenon.         
As an educator, this blogger feels it is important to have what they call a ‘digital footprint’ by stating, “Having a digital footprint is crucial for your career if you want to establish credibility as an expert. While I have tons of work that lives online, there is nothing of my choosing directly pointing to me, what I believe, and what I do. As a result, I don’t have a real digital footprint and that means while I’ve done a lot of good work for my employers I have nothing that identifies my work, who I am, what I believe, and what I do.”  This blogger makes another valid point when they say that by using tools such as blogging, wikispaces, and Google apps with students and fellow educators; the purchase of some expensive equipment in the classroom may be unnecessary.  Although I agree with them on some level, I still believe it’s important for students (especially those in the elementary level) to converse and learn within the classroom.  I’m not saying it’s necessary to purchase a Smart Board for every classroom in America, I just think it’s important that students have multiple resources to learn and comprehend course material.  With that said I do agree on the notion of everyone (educators and students alike) to create and establish their own ‘digital footprint’ as stated by the Innovative Educator.  It’s a great way for readers to learn about your thoughts and opinions on matters, while using your own expressive creativity.  I think the idea of blogging and other networking sites is a wonderful way of reaching out to a wide variety of people you wouldn’t have the ability to otherwise.