Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Innovative Educator blog- Revisited

I chose to revisit the blog, The Innovative Educator:  sharing ideas about educating innovatively.  The most recent blog is titled, “Facebook Doesn’t Get Teachers Fired- Inappropriate Behavior Does.”  The blog posted information from a New York Post article on teachers getting fired for flirting with students on facebook.  I was shocked to read this was true.  To think these teachers, and those in defense of such ridiculous behavior, suggest it’s the fault of Facebook and any other digital device of todays world.  I happen to strongly disagree with that and rather agree with the blogger in that it is not the fault of having Facebook, but instead the fault falls in the hands of these teachers themselves and their inappropriate behavior.  Ofcourse now, as the blogger suggests, this is going to further instill fear in adult's minds over whether their child/student is safe to use such tools.  The blogger also notes that this is NOT a social networking scandal, but rather “an inappropriate conduct scandal.”  The blogger goes on to say that “These teachers weren’t behaving badly because of facebook. There have always been inappropriately behaving adults. Facebook, in the case or these adults, didn’t cause their behavior, it just made it easier for them to get caught.” I have to say, I completely agree with this statement.


  1. Interesting! And definitely a good opportunity to remind both students and adults about their "digital footprint"!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your mid-term reflection post.
